Dynamic Asia has a great selection of crossbody bags wholesale. Our wholesale cross body purses come in several materials, styles and sizes that will appeal to a variety of customers.
Wholesale crossbody bags and wholesale crossbody purses are perfect for women attending college, music festivals, casinos, nights-out, vacations, romantic dates or even a long day of running errands. The longer straps allow a woman to wear a purse more securely, without fear of pickpockets or the annoyance of the bag slipping off her shoulder. It also allows a less off-balance, bulky feel than traditional totes and handbags often cause, allowing a wearer to feel like she really has her hands (and arms) free to do other things!
And another thing – crossbody bags are perfect for traveling, allowing a woman to keep her important items (ID and money) close to her body.
When it comes to wholesale purses and wallets, Dynamic Asia has you covered. Here are just a few of our favorite wholesale purses for resale.
These simple yet elegant bags can be carried both day and night and the crossover straps are so un-intrusive, she may even forget she’s carrying them.
These two bags show a bit more personality while still managing to stay understated. There’s not an outfit that these bags won’t match. Or a woman who wouldn’t find a use for these perfectly chic bags.
For women looking for “statement bags” these three are sure to turn heads. Bright and colorful with a vintage style perfect for any activity life may bring. Stock up on these beauties now.
If you have any questions about our bags and purses, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are happy to answer your questions and offer guidance when placing an order.
You should also check out our fabulous collection of beach bags and straw hats while you’re here. We think you’ll love what you see!
Happy Shopping!
-Team Dynamic